Vaping // Custom Box Mods

This page is all about vaping and the process of building your own custom Box Mod. Beside a gallery of my mods you can also learn more about the different kinds of mods, the importance of battery safety and you can find free build plans to build your own mod for your electric cigarette.

Ever thought of building your own custom Box Mod for your Electric Cigarette, but did not know where to start? Or even made your own mod before? On this page you can find free build plans for some of the mods I made. You do not have to build them exactly the way I did or use the exact methods I use. Furthermore the build plans are just to inspire you to create something yourself. They are more a guide you can follow to learn how to make your own DIY custom mod.

Basics for building
your own Box Mod

Are you intersted in building your own mod, but you don’t know where to start? On this site you find all the information you need to get started. What kinds of Mods exist? What batteries to use and how to use them safely? How to calculate the power output?

Build Plan: Dual 18650 Wooden Box Mod

Here you can find free build plans, to build your own semi-mechanical Box Mod out of wood. Including a list of parts, printable templates for cutting the wooden pieces and the schematics on how to wire the mod.

Build Plan: 3D printed Squonk Mod

Here you can find free build plans, to build your own 3D printed squonk mod. Even if you do not own a 3D printer, you can build this mod. I linked a service which does all the 3D printing for you. The download includes all the .stl files for 3D printing as well as templates to cut the front and back out of wood, like I did.

Box Mod Gallery

If you just want to see all the mods I build, this is the right site for you. On the following page you can see a gallery of my custom box mods which gets updated on a daily basis.