3D Printed Squonk Mod
Before you consider using a mechanical mod or building your own mod, you should be familiar with battery safety. Furthermore you should have some understanding of Ohm’s law to be safe. You can find a guide on the imporant basics by clicking on the following button.

If you do not have a 3D printer but still want to create your own mod, check out shapeways, a website where you can get your designs printed by professional 3D printers. Additionally I will attach the .stl files so you can print it out yourself, if you have access to a 3D printer.
How to get started:
Parts you are going to need:
- 3D printed frame. You can either get them printed on shapeways or download the .stl file to print it yourself
- Front + Back Panel. It is up to you whether you want the front and back panels to be 3D printed as well or make them out of wood. I attached those panels in different formats. So you can use the .pdf file to print them out on paper and trace the outline with a coping saw, scroll saw or similar.
Alternatively you can use the .dxf files to cut them with a CNC or a laser. Or use the .stl files to 3D print them. They are designed to be made of 3mm (1/8”) thick wood with 1.5mm (1/16”) deep holes for the magnets. - 3D printed button
- 0.5mm thick copper for the battery contacts. They can be found on modmaker.co.uk or you can buy some copper sheet at the hardware store. In the downloadable .zip file are templates to cut it out with tinsnips yourself
- Five 4×1.5mm round magnets
- Squonk 510 connector + 22mm washer
- Squonk bottle
- Spring / battery contact. Just use one battery contact and snip off the leg. Now you can solder it to the copper contact
- Soldering iron / small gas burner to solder spring to copper

Build Plan: 3D Printed Squonk Mod
Get the model printed by shapeways*
*This URL is only for the frame, you will also need to add the button to your cart, the button can be found on my shapeways profile. For the doors you have different options, either you also get them printed or you make them out of acrylic or wood like I did.